Text messaging how it can help you and your advertising? More than 95% people in US own a mobile device of some kind; is it a surprise that the conventional ways of communicating with the local users aren’t working anymore? Let me remind you, when email was introduced as an alternative way to sending newsletters, printed ads and postal mails, then email was an exceptional way to approach local and international customers. But unluckily as time passed, lot of unsolicited data and a number of advertisers, in order to reach people through email, has made the users bored of it.
Tricks to Increase Search Engine Rankings
Text messaging through mobile phone is common now a days. It has allowed the business owners to approach their customers in a broad way with some interest to hear from them. So you can avail this opportunity of reaching your customers in a faster and better manner with excellent content related to your product which will create huge number of responses.
A giant 92% of opened text messages are responded with an incredible rate of 42% of the total text messages. It is only 11% in the case of mobile site advertisements when compared with text messaging. But regardless of these numbers, the advantage is that you can personally pay attention to your customers by sending text messages.
LOCAL SEO COMPANY HOUSTON have a created a service for this text messaging platform which will help us sending fun and exceptionally interactive campaigns. Also by arranging contests and different interactive programs, LOCAL INTERNET MARKETING HOUSTON can build a loyal and interesting business with your customers.
We help businesses with their local SEO strategies
The keywords related to Mobile are very important for the text messaging programs. You must have heard like “send a text to vote your favorite” or some thing like this. So we are here to help you in creating the suitable words which will hit the customers mind at first and totally relate to your business. We can provide you a large number of of relevant and suitable keywords, or if you wish to choose generic keywords then that will also be welcomed by our company. In general the business owners use 3 to 5 keywords they select.
This service is to help you create a number of opt-in customers who wish to receive text messages on their mobile phones from you! No other company in this SMS business can offer you anything like this. The systems related to free SMS will not be able to do this. We can create a system which will respond automatically to your queries with links added to your website. We will provide you the keywords to get actual subscribers of text message .
Go get additional profit money and sales by using this!